Zebras are known for their striking black-and-white stripes, but have you ever wondered why they have this unique pattern? Scientists have long been fascinated by the purpose of zebra stripes, and recent research reveals some surprising answers.
One theory suggests that the stripes serve as a form of camouflage, confusing predators like lions by disrupting their ability to single out a zebra in a herd. The moving stripes create a dazzling optical illusion, making it harder for predators to focus on one animal.
Another fascinating function of zebra stripes lies in temperature regulation. Studies have shown that the alternating black and white stripes create air currents that help cool the animal’s body in the hot savannah sun. The white stripes reflect heat, while the black ones absorb it, creating tiny convection currents over the zebra’s skin.
Even more intriguing is how zebra stripes may deter biting flies. Research indicates that flies are less likely to land on striped surfaces because the pattern interferes with their vision.
So next time you see a zebra, you’ll know those iconic stripes are more than just fashionable—they’re a brilliant survival tool!