Bubble wrap is a staple of modern packaging, but did you know it was originally designed to be wallpaper? In 1957, engineers Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes set out to create a textured wallpaper by sealing two shower curtains together. What they ended up with was a sheet of air-filled bubbles.

The wallpaper idea didn’t take off, but the invention found its true calling as a protective packaging material in 1960. IBM was one of the first companies to use bubble wrap to ship their delicate computer components safely.

Today, bubble wrap isn’t just for packing—it’s a source of joy! Popping those little air bubbles has become a beloved stress-relief activity, so much so that there’s even a Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day celebrated annually.

From a quirky wallpaper to a worldwide phenomenon, bubble wrap proves that even accidental inventions can leave a lasting impact.

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